Size: 198,117 mi² (513,120 km²)

Languages: Thai is the official language of the country, and the language you’ll likely encounter on signage, in businesses, on the news, etc. However, only about 34% of Thai speakers in Thailand speak it as a native language —there are 70+ additional languages spoken throughout the country. English is present but definitely not ubiquitous in tourism-heavy areas, and it is quite rare in more rural regions.

Currency: Thai baht (THB or ฿)

Something You Should Know: Many people come to Thailand with a dream of seeing elephants, and if you are one of them, be sure to do your research on ethical ways to do so. Elephant tourism has a pretty notorious history across the country (lots of abuse behind the scenes of elephant riding camps and circus shows). Read up on the plight of the Asian elephant for some background, and be sure to select an elephant experience that provides these highly intelligent, social creatures with respect and proper care.


In May of 2023, we spent about a month in Thailand. As you can see from the map above, our route was (unintentionally) rather chaotic: we spent a week in Chiang Mai volunteering at an elephant rescue center, a week rock climbing and exploring Tonsai and Railay Beach, a few days exploring Khao Sok National Park, then a few days in both Phuket and Bangkok. To get around the country, we traveled via public bus, domestic flight, or Grabs (Grabs = the Uber/on-call taxi service of Southeast Asia). Accommodations-wise, we stayed in hostels or Airbnbs.

Thailand is a pretty touristy destination, and it’s easy to see why: between incredible food, unique nature, and accessible adventure, all at wallet-friendly prices, it’s a hotspot for backpackers from across the world. That being said, there are plenty of opportunities for more off-the-beaten-path travel experiences, so whether you like finding yourself amongst other travelers, or prefer to venture into places less frequented, Thailand has something for you. See below for our experience-specific guides to get you started on planning your trip!