Size: 56,956 mi² (147,516 km²)

Languages: The linguistic landscape of Nepal is just as varied as its physical terrain: there are ~122 languages across the country, and much of the population speak Nepali as a second or third language rather than as their primary tongue. That being said, Nepali does serve as a lingua franca, allowing people across the country from different provinces and ethnic groups to communicate with one another. English is semi-common in Kathmandu and Pokhara, and your tour agency and guide will likely speak English — though it is not super widespread in the country as a whole.

Currency: Nepalese rupee (NPR, Rs, or रु‎) is the main currency. When paying in cash for treks in Kathmandu, USD is also generally accepted.

Something You Should Know: If you book a trek with a guiding agency, don’t be afraid to ask them for help finding transport, accommodation, gear, or anything else, even once your trek is over. You will most likely get better prices booking through an agency with one of their partners compared to showing up on your own.


For years, visiting Nepal has been at the very top of my bucket list: I have watched just about every Himalaya mountaineering documentary there is, am frequently reading books recounting expeditions to Everest, K2, & Co., and am amidst a lifelong struggle to learn Nepali (spoiler alert: it is HARD). My Himalayan dreams came to fruition at long last in April 2023, when we spent about 3.5 weeks in the country. 2 of those weeks were spent trekking the Manaslu Circuit, 1 exploring Pokhara, and a few days resting/transiting through the capital city of Kathmandu. To navigate between cities and towns, we used public buses, and within Kathmandu and Pokhara, we relied on taxis. Overall, pricing in the country varied: while food, gear, souvenirs, etc. were affordable, guided treks tend to be rather expensive (and note that as of April 2023, it’s mandatory for trekkers to go with a licensed guide for most routes across the country).

From the unbridled chaos of Kathmandu to the serenity of mountaintop monasteries, life in Nepal was juxtaposition at its finest. Even with a late season monsoon snowstorm and an emergency helicopter evacuation (…long story) during our trek, the Himalayan country absolutely enraptured me, and I have no doubt we will return (hopefully with stronger language skills). In the meantime, see below for our guides on the Manaslu Circuit and Pokhara!